TARI - Waste Tax

The TARI (waste tax) is a tax that by law must be paid by those who use the service, ie the tenants who actually occupy the property.

This can only be made out to a tenant who, at his residential address, will receive the Tari file.

The total sum must be divided among all the tenants of the house.

  • Click on the link below, it is the website of the municipality of Milan from which it is possible to activate and cancel the Tari tax
  • The tenant must register on the website of the municipality of Milan
  • Fill in the document "domestic users" (document available for download at the bottom), the data to be entered are shown on the contract stipulated with Unimilano scarl
  • Send the completed document by e-mail (as shown on the third page) or hand it in to the municipality
  • When the holder of the Tari leaves the apartment, he must necessarily make the cancellation through the website or at the municipality by appointment, otherwise he will continue to receive the folders to be paid
  • Another tenant of the apartment will then have to register by filling in, as explained above, the document "domestic users" and send it by e-mail or deliver it to the municipality by appointment.

INFORMATIVA PER IL TRATTAMENTO DEI DATI PERSONALI (Reg. UE 679/16). Con l'inserimento dei dati richiesti l’utente autorizza il Titolare al trattamento dei dati personali nel rispetto delle regole e dei principi previsti dal GDPR Reg. 679/16, al fine di soddisfare le richieste di supporto, acconsentendo altresì, per tale scopo, ad essere contattati, anche tramite email, sms, chat nonché con ogni altro strumento compatibile con i dati trattati. L'utente ha la facoltà di rettificare, cancellare, limitare o opporsi all'uso e al trattamento dei dati personali raccolti. Per la lettura della informativa sulla privacy completa visitare www.unimilano.com/privacy-policy/

Contact us​


Via Marconi, 49 – 40122 Bologna​​


+39 02-87189301
+39 051-0930014 (fax)



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